The Ultimate Guide to Keyword Research for Fitness Equipment Retailers

Ready to flex those digital marketing muscles and pump up your keyword game? Bonza, because we’re about to dive into the world of keyword research – a skill that’s more valuable than a set of adjustable dumbbells in your product lineup.

I remember working with Jacko, who ran a fitness equipment shop in Melbourne. Our relationship started after he’d been browsing for SEO companies, and he came across our SEO case studies and decided to give us a call for some help.

Jacko was a whiz at picking top-notch gear, but when it came to choosing the right keywords? Strewth, he was as lost as a gym newbie trying to figure out a cable machine. We tackled his keyword research together, and within three months, his organic traffic had shot up by 85%. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves – let’s start from the beginning, shall we?

Why Keyword Research Matters for Fitness Equipment Retailers

Before we jump in, let’s have a yarn about why keyword research is so bloody important for fitness equipment retailers. Picture this: It’s New Year’s Day, and Shazza’s made a resolution to set up a home gym. She hops on Google and starts searching. With the right keywords, your website could be right there, ready to kit out Shazza’s new fitness space.

Keyword research helps you:

  • Understand what your potential customers are actually searching for
  • Identify opportunities to rank for valuable search terms
  • Inform your content strategy
  • Improve your ad targeting (if you’re using PPC)
  • Stay ahead of fitness trends and seasonal demands

Now, let’s break down how to do keyword research that’ll have your fitness equipment website ranking higher than a gymnast’s score at the Olympics.


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The Rise of Axe Throwing As The Perfect Social Activity

When you hear of axe throwing, what comes to mind? A boring, tiring sport? A difficult workout meant for only professionals? A nice activity to unwind and ease your mind? Or an epic battle between friends?

Well, however, you see it, the reality is that axe throwing is a thrilling sport that has been gaining social popularity in recent times. Championing this momentum is Kiss My Axe, a premier axe-throwing venue in Sydney providing premium, action-packed axe-periences.

So if you are seeking a perfect recreational option for family events, a fun activity to engage in while hanging out with friends and colleagues, or an exciting venue to visit during your first date, you just might want to give axe throwing a close thought.

In this article, we shall explore why this activity has become the ultimate choice for group outings. There are so many attractive benefits axe throwing offers which you may not be aware of, just like many others. We will discuss these benefits and touch on the unique ways venues like Kiss My Axe are creating unforgettable experiences.

Without further ado, let’s start by understanding what the sport of axe throwing is really about.

The Axe-citing Basics

What Is Axe Throwing All About?
We know you must be really curious at this point. Well, the concept of axe throwing is just as straightforward as the name sounds. During a typical game, participants throw axes at wooden targets. The aim is to hit the bullseye or score points in different sections of the target.


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5 Things You Didn’t Know About Red Kidney Beans

1. The fibre, protein and complex carbohydrates in red kidney beans have been shown to help stabilise blood sugar levels and lower blood cholesterol levels in the body.

2. Cooked beans can be frozen for up to six months. Thaw them overnight in the fridge before reheating.

3. Known as a ‘musical fruit’! To prepare beans before cooking, soak the raw beans in water for eight hours or overnight, placing the pan in the refrigerator, so the beans will not ferment.

Presoaking has been found to reduce the oligosaccharides which are the sugars associated with causing flatulence.


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Are Dental Implant Procedures Safe?

One of the questions that the team at Davinci smiles gets asked often is, ‘Are dental implants Safe?’. In terms of the word ‘safe’, different patients are referring to different things. For some, it might be their oral health. Others might be worried about the aesthetic, especially general anaesthetic. And for others, they might be referring to the risks with regards to infection.

It is this third possibility that we will focus on most but let us touch briefly on the other two. First, very rarely will dental implants have any negative impact on someone’s oral health. If the dental implant becomes loose, then it is likely that there may have been some inherent weakness in their jawbone, or their bones in general, that was not apparent at the start of the process.

Also, we usually find that patients’ oral health, rather than diminish, is improved due to the patient having a renewed determination to keep their remaining teeth and their dental implants as healthy as possible.

When it comes to anaesthetic, whether it is a local or a general anaesthetic, here again, problems are an extreme rarity. Each of these is administered by a trained professional, and all safety protocols are in place, including ensuring that the patient is suitable, not only for dental implants but that having a general anaesthetic is not putting them at any risk whatsoever.


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7 Home Remedies That Can Relieve Toothache

One of the most common reasons for anyone to visit a Perth dentist is that they are suffering from toothache. Toothache can occur for a multitude of reasons, and it can last for just a few minutes, or continue all day. The extent of the pain can also differ, with some toothaches being slight and others being excruciatingly painful to the extent of causing a high degree of distress to the person suffering it.

Toothaches can begin at any time, and if you are at home, it might not be possible to see your dentists straight away. That means, until your appointment, you are going to have to suffer toothache. For some reading this, it will be a case of simply grinning and bearing it, but for others, the pain can be so severe that it means that you are unable to follow any of your normal routines.

Whichever end of the pain scale you find yourself, thankfully there are some home remedies for toothache you can use for some relief. Here are seven of the most effective home remedies for relieving toothache.

Rinsing With Salty Water: Salty water rinsing is one of the oldest remedies in existence for toothache, and as is often the case, the old remedies are usually the best. The water helps remove particles of food from your mouth and the salt acts as a disinfect. The solution should be made using a glass of lukewarm water and stirring in a teaspoon of salt.


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5 Dos And 5 Don’ts For When A Loved One Returns Home From Drug Rehab

Whenever a loved one returns home from entering a drug rehabilitation program it can be a joyous occasion, but it can also be fraught with concerns and hesitation. Whilst many of the best drug rehabilitation facilities have programs for the families of drug users to educate and support them so that they can best help the person recovering, unfortunately, many do not.

The problem for a recovering drug user or a person suffering from alcohol withdrawal returning home and their family not being fully aware of how they can best support them is that mistakes can be made. Whilst they may fully intend to and want to do their best, they can inadvertently do or say something which does the opposite.

To try to ensure that a returning family member who is recovering from drug use is given every opportunity to continue their journey towards full recovery, here are five dos and five don’ts which their family and loved ones should abide by.

The Five Dos

Do Learn All You Can About Their Drug Treatment Program: It will serve everyone best if you take the time and effort to learn as much as you can about the drug treatment program your loved one has entered. The more you know the better you will be able to talk about it during discussions with them about their recovery.


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Why Regular Dental Check-ups Can Help Spot The Early Signs Of Oral Cancer

Whilst cancer is not exactly a joyful subject to discuss when it is discussed, people tend to think about cancers they hear about most often, such as lung and breast cancer. One type of cancer that is rarely talked about is oral cancer. Part of the reason might be that people were simply not aware that their mouth could be a target for cancerous cells or that their focus on oral health was towards avoiding cavities, not cancer.

As you may well know, illness and disease do not care whether someone is aware that they exist or not; thus, cancerous cells forming in someone’s mouth can occur whether they know of such an ailment or not. For those of you who know little of or were not aware of oral cancer, we do so not to frighten but to educate. Knowing the symptoms of an illness can often lead to early treatment and recovery.

Causes Of Oral Cancer

Most doctors will tell you that cancer can occur for seemingly no reason. It is truly awful when someone who seems in perfect health, eats well and does not partake in any harmful activities is suddenly blighted by it. However, it is also true that someone with an unhealthy lifestyle is more prone to cancer, and with oral cancer, certain activities are more likely to induce it, such as:

Smoking – Many cancers can be attributed to smoking in some way, and as your mouth is a part of your body filled with smoke with each inhale, it is little wonder that smoking is seen as a primary cause of oral cancer. Also, whilst an increasingly rare activity, the use of chewing tobacco also increases the risk. ​


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Could Botox Help Your Sports Injuries?

Sports injuries and muscle-related conditions can put you out of action for days, weeks, or months. However, some people are now seeing the value in Botox as a treatment method.

Treatment options are abundant for sports injuries, such as heat and ice therapy. Still, it’s not out of the question to look elsewhere if there’s a chance something else can work better for some people than traditional methods.

What is Botox?

Ask anyone what Botox is, and they will most likely tell you that it’s a cosmetic injection used to get rid of wrinkles and lines. While, of course, that’s what it can do, there is more to this drug than meets the eye.

Botox, from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, is an injectable that inhibits muscle movement. Therefore, it has been used to treat several muscle-related conditions. In Australia, Botox is administered by registered medical professionals.

What the Research Says About Botox for Sports Injuries

You may not associate Botox with sports injuries, but research into it for treatment is promising. According to a study published in the Current Sports Medicine Reports journal, it can reduce chronic pain and even improve function in musculoskeletal conditions.

According to Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Dr. Clint Moore, Botox is ‘promising’ for pain relief and functional improvements. In particular, it may prove useful for tennis elbow, plantar fasciopathy, and knee osteoarthritis.


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Food You Thought Was Healthy but Isn’t

Marketing departments for food manufacturers can be quite creative. They market their products or recipes as healthy, but it’s not until you get into the nitty-gritty of those ingredients do you realise that the product is not as healthy as you might have thought.

So, if you’re trying to make healthier food choices, such as drinking less wine or eating fresh produce, then read on. Here are some foods that you may think are healthy, but aren’t as good as you thought.

Multi-Grain Bread

It’s true that multi-grain bread is probably a better option than plain white, but that doesn’t mean it’s the healthiest option available. In fact, it probably looks healthier than it actually is.

Many multi-grain bread varieties contain unbleached, enriched wheat flour. The enriched process can mean the manufacturer has removed nutrients from the grains during processing, then added them at the end.

Instead, opt for whole wheat or dark rye varieties, which tend to have less processing and more nutrients than their white counterparts.

Reduced-Fat Peanut Butter

You might think you’re doing your body a favour by purchasing reduced-fat peanut butter over its full-fat counterpart. Marketing companies are well and truly making their money in this respect. While you may see a reduction in fat, that’s not to say they haven’t made use of fillers and sugar to avoid losing flavour and substance.


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Signs of Deteriorating Mental Health Caused by Age Discrimination?

There are numerous things that can affect long-term mental health, and an unhappy workplace is just one of them. A lot of people experience various forms of discrimination while at work, which can lead to stress, anxiety, depression and much, much more.

Unfortunately, age discrimination is a relatively common problem that’s often just shoved under the rug. Seeing elderly employees being discriminated against because of their age is far from unusual.

If you do suffer from age discrimination in the workplace, there are two things you need to do:

  1. Ensure you speak to your manager or the relevant team members about your problems. If they aren’t addressed, seek legal advice.
  2. Consider speaking with a psychologist or other health professional if you think your long-term mental health is suffering.

All forms of discrimination can cause mental illness, and it’s important to be aware of the early signs. If you notice any of the following, it could definitely be worth seeking treatment.

Regularly Feeling Sad or Under the Weather

One common sign of a growing mental illness is regularly feeling sad or down. If your hormones or the chemicals inside your brain aren’t balanced correctly, you may experience unwanted feelings of sadness, which can leave you drained and out of energy.


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How Much Does Cataract Surgery Cost in Australia?

Figuring out how much cataract surgery costs in Australia can be difficult, especially if you haven’t spoken to your local eye doctor yet. The cost of surgery can be quite high, especially if you decide to use a well-known doctor with a lot of experience in the region.

Additionally, it’s important to understand things like Medicare, private health insurance, and their relationship with cataract surgery and its costs. In the rest of this article we’re going to cover these topics and more, providing you with the information to make an informed estimate of how much you can expect to spend for your surgery.

How Much Does Cataract Surgery Cost?

For starters, we think it’s important to look closely at how much cataract surgery costs and how much you can expect to spend. In general, there are a few things that will affect the cost of your cataract surgery, including:

  • The doctor you use and their experience.
  • The hospital costs.
  • Whether or not you’re covered by Medicare and/or private health insurance.

In general, cataract surgery in a private hospital without any insurance cover will cost you around $2500 per eye, but this can increase dramatically in some circumstances.


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How to Choose the Right Fitness Class for You

Deciding to work on your fitness is an excellent first step. You want to be happier, healthier, and excited about exercise. Now that you’ve decided on your intention, the next step is a little harder: working out what fitness class to join or getting your gym equipment out of storage. If you’re not quite sure, here are a few helpful considerations to make beforehand.


The average human is capable of many great ventures in life, but sometimes, your body can let you down. Old knee injury? Sore hip? Previous fracture or surgery? Understand your capabilities, first and foremost, so that you can match an exercise type to suit. Sometimes, it can take the guiding hand of a fitness instructor to help you realise what is going to work for you the best.

Available Time

With 40-hour workweeks, family commitments, and every other errand in between, spare time is not something most people have. Therefore, before you commit to any fitness class, find out what is likely to suit you the best. Will an early class be more to your liking or something that’s on once the kids are in bed? How about a lunch break class? These are all things to think about before you find the best exercise and fitness option for you.


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What Causes Botox to Freeze Your Face?

The reason why so many people are too scared to try Botox injections is that they are worried about their face “freezing”. While the risk is minimal if you see a reputable dermatologist or cosmetic specialist, it can be high if the person doing it is unqualified or inexperienced.

A “frozen” face is something you may have for many months but is not permanent. However, for those few months, you may field a few strange looks. Here’s why people can suffer from a frozen face after Botox.

Your Doctor Used a Template

There is no “one size fits all” approach to Botox, but when you take a course on how to inject Botox, that’s sometimes the teaching process. Many people learn how to apply Botox by filling in the areas of a standard template. However, that’s not how the average person’s face works.

That’s how over-filling, muscle paralysis, and a frozen face can occur. Your doctor can inject too much or not enough Botox into an area of your face – based on how they would have done it on the template. That may not suit your face.

If you are unsure about whether to use a particular specialist, take note of their patients. Does their Botox look natural? If you don’t like the results of their previous “work”, then try to find another experienced Botox specialist.


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How to Design the Perfect Set of Teeth

The modern world is now so advanced that you can design almost anything. You can design a home from the ground up, a baby in a test tube, and even dog breeds. Therefore, it makes sense that your dentist, Joondalup City Dental, can help you design the perfect set of teeth. Here’s how to go about it.

Have a Check-Up

The first step to design the perfect set of teeth is to have a check-up. You and your dentist won’t know the work that lies ahead of you until you find out what’s wrong, what they can fix, and how to make your pearly whites the picture of perfection.

During a check-up, your dentist will perform a clean, check for cavities, decay, and plaque, and perform x-rays. From here, he or she can get a picture and idea of the best approach going forward.

Consider Teeth Whitening

According to a Bupa study with 2,000 participants, 28 percent of people don’t smile in photos because they don’t like their teeth. Could teeth whitening change that? Ask your dentist whether in-chair teeth whitening could be for you. Within a few hours and with high-concentrate dentist bleach, you can enjoy pearly whites you may not have seen in years.

Straighten Up

No one is born with perfectly straight teeth. There is bound to be at least one or two that are mildly crooked or don’t look as perfect as they could. Your dentist can change that with Invisalign. Invisalign are invisible braces that are more convenient, often quicker, and easier to manage than many traditional braces. You’ll have a perfectly straight set of teeth in no time.


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Dental Implants versus Veneers – Which is Best?

You would be surprised at the number of people who are not happy with their teeth. They shy away from smiling in photos and even lack the confidence to be themselves around new people. Low self-esteem from poor oral health can result in missed opportunities in many facets of life.

If you’re determined to get a set of pearly whites of which you can be proud, then you may be wondering what options are available. There are many, including dental implants and veneers. But if you’re trying to decide which will work for you, then how do you choose? Read on to learn more.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are an option for those who have a severely damaged, decayed, or missing tooth. Your dentist may not be able to save your tooth but may be able to replace it with an implant. An implant is a titanium root that a dentist inserts into your jawbone below the gumline. A natural-looking tooth is then attached to the top of it.

A dental implant functions the same as your natural tooth. You can chew with it, smile with confidence, and brush it as you usually would. No one would ever know unless you told them that it’s not your tooth.

What Are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are an option for those who have chipped, cracked, damaged, gappy, or stained teeth not beyond repair. Your dentist may not see the need for an extraction and dental implant, but they might recommend a thin, porcelain dental veneer that adheres to your natural tooth.


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Which Waist Trainer Material is Right for You?

When you are thinking about including waist training into your healthy lifestyle routine, then you will no doubt be sifting through the many waist trainer options. Seeing the variety of options, it’s all too easy to become overwhelmed and click out of the shopping cart with nothing. However, knowing the best fabrics included in the waist trainer options may help you see which ones will suit your needs the best. We’ll run through a few of these below.


If you want to begin waist training with the best waist trainer that money can buy, then don’t look past latex as the primary fabric. Latex provides a high-performance waist trainer that you may find lasts years longer than other materials. It’s stretchy, firm, fits tightly, and offers unparalleled compression as well. What’s more, if you maintain it by hand-cleaning it as opposed to putting it in your washing machine, it’s going to last many years.


While some cotton in your waist trainer is going to be okay, make sure it’s a latex and cotton blend. While the cotton fabric will help you to feel cooler and more comfortable, it can compromise how tight and effective it is. Aim for a higher percentage of latex and just a touch of cotton for comfort and breathability during waist training. If you opt for a waist trainer with a higher rate of cotton, you will find it stretches, wears out, and loses durability far quicker than its latex counterpart.


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Negative Calorie Food that Might Work for You

When you are working on losing weight, eating well, and improving your health, you will become quite familiar with the notion of calorie counting. It’s the process of identifying the caloric figure of your food so that you can make an informed decision about eating it or not.

For example, if a piece of cake has 400 calories, you would need to burn off 400 calories. Weight loss is about burning off more than you consume with a healthy diet and exercise. That’s where negative calorie food comes in. While you won’t find cake on this list, you will find a few delicious snacks that your body uses more calories to digest it than what you get from consuming it.


Watermelon is a delicious summer treat, and it’s also one that can prove useful during weight loss. It makes you feel full, boasts vitamins and nutrients such as protein and fibre, and even increases your feelings of energy. What’s more, it has few calories but can help you to burn fat. You can consume watermelon on its own or as part of a healthy fruit salad. It can well and truly put you on the path to eating well.


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Best Teeth Whitening Options

When you see celebrities in movies and on TV sporting sparkling, white teeth, you may wonder if yours could ever look like that. Fortunately, you don’t have to be a movie star to have beautiful teeth. Teeth whitening is a standard and widely available option at almost any dental clinic. There are also several products available that can help with the process too.

Read on to learn about some of the best teeth whitening options available. Some, as you will discover, are better than others.

In-Chair Teeth Whitening

Out of all options, in-chair teeth whitening would have to be one of the most preferred and effective. During the treatment, your dentist applies the whitening gel, which remains on your teeth for a specified period. Sometimes, a UV light is used to cure it as well. The process can take a few hours, but your teeth are noticeably whiter. In-chair teeth whitening can last for around a year.

Take-Home Kits

Take-home kits are custom-fitted mouthguards with whitening gel supplied by your dentist. The dentist will take impressions of your teeth in the first appointment, then bring you back to fit the guard and provide the gel.

These kits are a preference by many people as they produce dentist-quality results but from the comfort of your home. The process can take longer than in-chair teeth whitening, but the concentration of the dentist-supplied gel means you can notice definite whitening within days.


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How to Reconnect with Family After Drug Addiction

If you’ve battled with a drug and alcohol addiction, then you will probably have a few regrets. You may have even torn down some family bridges that seem irreparable on the surface. But after drug rehab, your outlook on life can ultimately appear brighter.

You’re free from the grasps of your chosen drug, and it’s now time to repair those bridges that came tumbling down while in the throes of addiction. Here are a few tips to help you reconnect with your family after drug rehab and post-addiction.

Take it Slow

You can’t waltz back into a loved one’s life and expect to be welcomed with open arms. To them, you will still be the same person who ruined your life with drugs and filled theirs with unnecessary stress. Before you make contact, ensure you understand that reconnecting with your family and friends will be a slow process.

Make Sure You’re Ready

Even though you’re clean, it’s paramount to avoid stress that could send you back into the path of drugs and alcohol. If reconnecting with your family could be more stress than you can handle right now, then wait. Have a support group around you and make sure you’re strong enough for confrontation. Otherwise, you can end up making a huge leap backward, instead of forward.


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